Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Practice of Lex/Yacc of Compiler writing

 Lex Theory

During the first phase the compiler reads the input and converts strings in the source to tokens. With regular expressions we can specify patterns to lex so it can generate code that will allow it to scan and match strings in the input. Each pattern in the input to lex has an associated action. Typically an action returns a token that represents the matched string for subsequent use by the parser. Initially we will simply print the matched string rather than return a token value.
The following represents a simple pattern, composed of a regular expression, that scans for identifiers. Lex will read this pattern and produce C code for a lexical analyzer that scans for identifiers.
This pattern matches a string of characters that begins with a single letter followed by zero or more letters or digits. This example nicely illustrates operations allowed in regular expressions:
  • repetition, expressed by the "*" operator
  • alternation, expressed by the "|" operator
  • concatenation
Any regular expression expressions may be expressed as a finite state automaton (FSA). We can represent an FSA using states, and transitions between states. There is one start state and one or more final or accepting states.

Figure 3: Finite State Automaton

In Figure 3 state 0 is the start state and state 2 is the accepting state. As characters are read we make a transition from one state to another. When the first letter is read we transition to state 1. We remain in state 1 as more letters or digits are read. When we read a character other than a letter or digit we transition to accepting state 2. Any FSA may be expressed as a computer program.

For example, our 3-state machine is easily programmed:
start:  goto state0
state0: read c
        if c = letter goto state1
        goto state0
state1: read c
        if c = letter goto state1
        if c = digit goto state1
        goto state2
state2: accept string
This is the technique used by lex. Regular expressions are translated by lex to a computer program that mimics an FSA. Using the next input character and current state the next state is easily determined by indexing into a computer-generated state table.
Now we can easily understand some of lex’s limitations. For example, lex cannot be used to recognize nested structures such as parentheses. Nested structures are handled by incorporating a stack. Whenever we encounter a "(" we push it on the stack. When a ")" is encountered we match it with the top of the stack and pop the stack. However lex only has states and transitions between states. Since it has no stack it is not well suited for parsing nested structures. Yacc augments an FSA with a stack and can process constructs such as parentheses with ease. The important thing is to use the right tool for the job. Lex is good at pattern matching. Yacc is appropriate for more challenging tasks.

Lex Practice

Table 1: Pattern Matching Primitives
any character except newline
zero or more copies of the preceding expression
one or more copies of the preceding expression
zero or one copy of the preceding expression
beginning of line
end of line
a or b
one or more copies of ab (grouping)
literal "a+b" (C escapes still work)
character class

Table 2: Pattern Matching Examples
ab abc abcc abccc ...
abc, abcc, abccc, abcccc, ...
abc, abcbc, abcbcbc, ...
a, abc
one of: a, b, c
any letter, a through z
one of: a, -, z
one of: - a z
one or more alphanumeric characters
[ \t\n]+
anything except: a, b
a, ^, b
a, |, b
a, b
Regular expressions in lex are composed of metacharacters (Table 1). Pattern-matching examples are shown in Table 2. Within a character class normal operators lose their meaning. Two operators allowed in a character class are the hyphen ("-") and circumflex ("^"). When used between two characters the hyphen represents a range of characters. The circumflex, when used as the first character, negates the expression. If two patterns match the same string the longest match wins. In case both matches are the same length, then the first pattern listed is used.
... definitions ...
... rules ...
... subroutines ...
Input to Lex is divided into three sections with %% dividing the sections. This is best illustrated by example. The first example is the shortest possible lex file:
Input is copied to output one character at a time. The first %% is always required as there must always be a rules section. However if we don’t specify any rules then the default action is to match everything and copy it to output. Defaults for input and output are stdin and stdout, respectively. Here is the same example with defaults explicitly coded:
    /* match everything except newline */
.   ECHO;
    /* match newline */
\n  ECHO;
int yywrap(void) {
    return 1;
int main(void) {
    return 0;
Two patterns have been specified in the rules section. Each pattern must begin in column one. This is followed by whitespace (space, tab or newline) and an optional action associated with the pattern. The action may be a single C statement, or multiple C statements, enclosed in braces. Anything not starting in column one is copied verbatim to the generated C file. We may take advantage of this behavior to specify comments in our lex file. In this example there are two patterns, "." and "\n", with an ECHO action associated for each pattern. Several macros and variables are predefined by lex. ECHO is a macro that writes code matched by the pattern. This is the default action for any unmatched strings. Typically, ECHO is defined as:
#define ECHO fwrite(yytext, yyleng, 1, yyout)
Variable yytext is a pointer to the matched string (NULL-terminated) and yyleng is the length of the matched string. Variable yyout is the output file and defaults to stdout. Function yywrap is called by lex when input is exhausted. Return 1 if you are done or 0 if more processing is required. Every C program requires a main function. In this case we simply call yylex that is the main entry-point for lex. Some implementations of lex include copies of main and yywrap in a library thus eliminating the need to code them explicitly. This is why our first example, the shortest lex program, functioned properly.
Table 3: Lex Predefined Variables
int yylex(void)
call to invoke lexer, returns token
char *yytext
pointer to matched string
length of matched string
value associated with token
int yywrap(void)
wrapup, return 1 if done, 0 if not done
FILE *yyout
output file
FILE *yyin
input file
initial start condition
BEGIN condition
switch start condition
write matched string
Here is a program that does nothing at all. All input is matched but no action is associated with any pattern so there will be no output.
The following example prepends line numbers to each line in a file. Some implementations of lex predefine and calculate yylineno. The input file for lex is yyin and defaults to stdin.
    int yylineno;
^(.*)\n    printf("%4d\t%s", ++yylineno, yytext);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    yyin = fopen(argv[1], "r");
The definitions section is composed of substitutions, code, and start states. Code in the definitions section is simply copied as-is to the top of the generated C file and must be bracketed with "%{" and "%}" markers. Substitutions simplify pattern-matching rules. For example, we may define digits and letters:
digit     [0-9]
letter    [A-Za-z]
    int count;
    /* match identifier */
{letter}({letter}|{digit})*    count++;
int main(void) {
    printf("number of identifiers = %d\n", count);
    return 0;
Whitespace must separate the defining term and the associated expression. References to substitutions in the rules section are surrounded by braces ({letter}) to distinguish them from literals. When we have a match in the rules section the associated C code is executed. Here is a scanner that counts the number of characters, words, and lines in a file (similar to Unix wc):
    int nchar, nword, nline;
\n         { nline++; nchar++; }
[^ \t\n]+  { nword++, nchar += yyleng; }
.          { nchar++; }
int main(void) {
    printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", nchar, nword, nline);
    return 0;

Yacc Theory

Grammars for yacc are described using a variant of Backus Naur Form (BNF). This technique, pioneered by John Backus and Peter Naur, was used to describe ALGOL60. A BNF grammar can be used to express context-free languages. Most constructs in modern programming languages can be represented in BNF. For example, the grammar for an expression that multiplies and adds numbers is
1    E -> E + E
2    E -> E * E
3    E -> id
Three productions have been specified. Terms that appear on the left-hand side (lhs) of a production, such as E, are nonterminals. Terms such as id (identifier) are terminals (tokens returned by lex) and only appear on the right-hand side (rhs) of a production. This grammar specifies that an expression may be the sum of two expressions, the product of two expressions, or an identifier. We can use this grammar to generate expressions:
E -> E * E             (r2)
  -> E * z             (r3) 
  -> E + E * z         (r1)
  -> E + y * z         (r3)
  -> x + y * z         (r3)
At each step we expanded a term and replace the lhs of a production with the corresponding rhs. The numbers on the right indicate which rule applied. To parse an expression we a need to do the reverse operation. Instead of starting with a single nonterminal (start symbol) and generating an expression from a grammar we need to reduce an expression to a single nonterminal. This is known asbottom-up or shift-reduce parsing and uses a stack for storing terms. Here is the same derivation but in reverse order:
 1   . x + y * z     shift
 2   x . + y * z     reduce(r3)
 3   E . + y * z     shift
 4   E + . y * z     shift
 5   E + y . * z     reduce(r3)
 6   E + E . * z     shift
 7   E + E * . z     shift
 8   E + E * z .     reduce(r3)
 9   E + E * E .     reduce(r2)   emit multiply
10   E + E .         reduce(r1)   emit add
11   E .             accept
Terms to the left of the dot are on the stack while remaining input is to the right of the dot. We start by shifting tokens onto the stack. When the top of the stack matches the rhs of a production we replace the matched tokens on the stack with the lhs of the production. In other words the matched tokens of the rhs are popped off the stack, and the lhs of the production is pushed on the stack. The matched tokens are known as a handle and we are reducing the handle to the lhs of the production. This process continues until we have shifted all input to the stack and only the starting nonterminal remains on the stack. In step 1 we shift the x to the stack. Step 2 applies rule r3 to the stack to change x to E. We continue shifting and reducing until a single nonterminal, the start symbol, remains in the stack. In step 9, when we reduce rule r2, we emit the multiply instruction. Similarly the add instruction is emitted in step 10. Consequently multiply has a higher precedence than addition.
Consider the shift at step 6. Instead of shifting we could have reduced and apply rule r1. This would result in addition having a higher precedence than multiplication. This is known as a shift-reduceconflict. Our grammar is ambiguous because there is more than one possible derivation that will yield the expression. In this case operator precedence is affected. As another example, associativity in the rule
E -> E + E
is ambiguous, for we may recurse on the left or the right. To remedy the situation, we could rewrite the grammar or supply yacc with directives that indicate which operator has precedence. The latter method is simpler and will be demonstrated in the practice section.
The following grammar has a reduce-reduce conflict. With an id on the stack we may reduce to T or E.
E -> T
E -> id
T -> id
Yacc takes a default action when there is a conflict. For shift-reduce conflicts yacc will shift. For reduce-reduce conflicts it will use the first rule in the listing. It also issues a warning message whenever a conflict exists. The warnings may be suppressed by making the grammar unambiguous. Several methods for removing ambiguity will be presented in subsequent sections.

Yacc Practice, Part I

... definitions ...
... rules ...
... subroutines ...
Input to yacc is divided into three sections. The definitions section consists of token declarations and C code bracketed by "%{" and "%}". The BNF grammar is placed in the rules section and user subroutines are added in the subroutines section.
This is best illustrated by constructing a small calculator that can add and subtract numbers. We’ll begin by examining the linkage between lex and yacc. Here is the definitions section for the yacc input file:
%token INTEGER
This definition declares an INTEGER token. Yacc generates a parser in file y.tab.c and an include file y.tab.h:
#ifndef YYSTYPE
#define YYSTYPE int
#define INTEGER 258
extern YYSTYPE yylval;
Lex includes this file and utilizes the definitions for token values. To obtain tokens yacc calls yylex. Function yylex has a return type of int that returns a token. Values associated with the token are returned by lex in variable yylval. For example,
[0-9]+      {
                yylval = atoi(yytext);
                return INTEGER;
would store the value of the integer in yylval, and return token INTEGER to yacc. The type of yylval is determined by YYSTYPE. Since the default type is integer this works well in this case. Token values 0-255 are reserved for character values. For example, if you had a rule such as
[-+]       return *yytext;    /* return operator */
the character value for minus or plus is returned. Note that we placed the minus sign first so that it wouldn’t be mistaken for a range designator. Generated token values typically start around 258 because lex reserves several values for end-of-file and error processing. Here is the complete lex input specification for our calculator:
    #include "y.tab.h"
    #include <stdlib.h>
    void yyerror(char *);
[0-9]+      {
                yylval = atoi(yytext);
                return INTEGER;
[-+\n]      return *yytext;
[ \t]       ; /* skip whitespace */
.           yyerror("invalid character");
int yywrap(void) {
    return 1;
Internally yacc maintains two stacks in memory; a parse stack and a value stack. The parse stack contains terminals and nonterminals that represent the current parsing state. The value stack is an array of YYSTYPE elements and associates a value with each element in the parse stack. For example when lex returns an INTEGER token yacc shifts this token to the parse stack. At the same time the corresponding yylval is shifted to the value stack. The parse and value stacks are always synchronized so finding a value related to a token on the stack is easily accomplished. Here is the yacc input specification for our calculator:
    #include <stdio.h>
    int yylex(void);
    void yyerror(char *);
%token INTEGER
        program expr '\n'         { printf("%d\n", $2); }
        INTEGER                   { $$ = $1; }
        | expr '+' expr           { $$ = $1 + $3; }
        | expr '-' expr           { $$ = $1 - $3; }
void yyerror(char *s) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
int main(void) {
    return 0;
The rules section resembles the BNF grammar discussed earlier. The left-hand side of a production, or nonterminal, is entered left-justified and followed by a colon. This is followed by the right-hand side of the production. Actions associated with a rule are entered in braces.
With left-recursion we have specified that a program consists of zero or more expressions. Each expression terminates with a newline. When a newline is detected we print the value of the expression. When we apply the rule
expr: expr '+' expr              { $$ = $1 + $3; }
we replace the right-hand side of the production in the parse stack with the left-hand side of the same production. In this case we pop "expr '+' expr" and push "expr". We have reduced the stack by popping three terms off the stack and pushing back one term. We may reference positions in the value stack in our C code by specifying "$1" for the first term on the right-hand side of the production, "$2" for the second, and so on. "$$" designates the top of the stack after reduction has taken place. The above action adds the value associated with two expressions, pops three terms off the value stack, and pushes back a single sum. As a consequence the parse and value stacks remain synchronized.
Numeric values are initially entered on the stack when we reduce from INTEGER to expr. After INTEGER is shifted to the stack we apply the rule
expr: INTEGER                   { $$ = $1; }
The INTEGER token is popped off the parse stack followed by a push of expr. For the value stack we pop the integer value off the stack and then push it back on again. In other words we do nothing. In fact this is the default action and need not be specified. Finally, when a newline is encountered, the value associated with expr is printed.
In the event of syntax errors yacc calls the user-supplied function yyerror. If you need to modify the interface to yyerror then alter the canned file that yacc includes to fit your needs. The last function in our yacc specification is main … in case you were wondering where it was. This example still has an ambiguous grammar. Although yacc will issue shift-reduce warnings it will still process the grammar using shift as the default operation.

Yacc Practice, Part II

In this section we will extend the calculator from the previous section to incorporate some new functionality. New features include arithmetic operators multiply and divide. Parentheses may be used to over-ride operator precedence, and single-character variables may be specified in assignment statements. The following illustrates sample input and calculator output:
user:  3 * (4 + 5)
calc:  27
user:  x = 3 * (4 + 5)
user:  y = 5
user:  x
calc:  27
user:  y
calc:  5
user:  x + 2*y
calc:  37
The lexical analyzer returns VARIABLE and INTEGER tokens. For variables yylval specifies an index to the symbol table sym. For this program sym merely holds the value of the associated variable. When INTEGER tokens are returned, yylval contains the number scanned. Here is the input specification for lex:
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "y.tab.h"
    void yyerror(char *);
    /* variables */
[a-z]       {
                yylval = *yytext - 'a';
                return VARIABLE;
    /* integers */
[0-9]+      {
                yylval = atoi(yytext);
                return INTEGER;
    /* operators */
[-+()=/*\n] { return *yytext; }
    /* skip whitespace */
[ \t]        ;
    /* anything else is an error */
.               yyerror("invalid character");
int yywrap(void) {
    return 1;
The input specification for yacc follows. The tokens for INTEGER and VARIABLE are utilized by yacc to create #defines in y.tab.h for use in lex. This is followed by definitions for the arithmetic operators. We may specify %left, for left-associative or %right for right associative. The last definition listed has the highest precedence. Consequently multiplication and division have higher precedence than addition and subtraction. All four operators are left-associative. Using this simple technique we are able to disambiguate our grammar.
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
    void yyerror(char *);
    int yylex(void);
    int sym[26];
        program statement '\n'
        expr                      { printf("%d\n", $1); }
        | VARIABLE '=' expr       { sym[$1] = $3; }
        | VARIABLE                { $$ = sym[$1]; }
        | expr '+' expr           { $$ = $1 + $3; }
        | expr '-' expr           { $$ = $1 - $3; }
        | expr '*' expr           { $$ = $1 * $3; }
        | expr '/' expr           { $$ = $1 / $3; }
        | '(' expr ')'            { $$ = $2; }
void yyerror(char *s) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
int main(void) {
    return 0;

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